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Dear colleagues
Dear Residents
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 1st Knee arthroscopic ACL reconstruction and Meniscus repair Symposium on 26th of February 2022 at the ATT Center in Athens, Greece.
Arthroscopic knee surgery is one of the scientific fields of orthopedics that most Residents are interested in.
It is very important that junior surgeons know the basic principles of theoretical and practical approach before getting involved in their first surgical cases
This course aims to provide an excellent opportunity for young orthopaedic surgeons to broaden their knowledge of Knee arthroscopic ACL reconstruction and Meniscus repair, and perfect their skills, through the guidance and instruction of experienced orthopaedic surgeons.
The junior surgeon will have the opportunity to spend plenty of time with the significant arthtroscopics instruments and materials, get hints and tips from the instructors and finally spend time with the cadaver in "real" time theatre conditions.
We look forward to fulfilling your expectations and we hope that this experience be unique for everyone.
Konstantinos Kateros
Chairman of 1rd Orthopaedic Department, General Hospital of 'G.Gennimatas'
Panagiotis Kouloumentas
Chairman of Orthopaedics and Sport Orthopaedics Clinic, Metropolitan Hospital
3:1 trainee to cadaver specimen ratio.
What will you learn?
All about knee arthroscopy
Educational Methods
Video and Lecture Presentations, Wet Lab Hands-on
Medical Devices
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Explore Athens during your visit and combine education with pleasure!
35 Sorou St, 151 25 Maroussi, Athens - Greece
Τ +30 210 61 09 992
Email: [email protected]